
Showing posts from August, 2012

Penance in a Black Pit

Witness dear readers the tears I shed, How miserable and distressed I remain. Witness wise doctors my wounded heart And my stunned, gloomy and insane mind. Witness dear saints how I relinquished my faith To worship a pagan love that cruelly cheats me. Witness heaven how he is dear to me And my lusty wanton desire grieves me. Witnesss the wrongs inflicted  upon me How into slavery Love has trapped me And a wretched penance in a black pit I live in the dim  hole since I found it. 

The Downfallen Angel

A young and dark-haired angel kindled my heart into flames Now most wretched  and spurned lies my heart into complaints Aloof in the island and cast away amid the Atlantic and Meditarrenean sea It´s genuine and faithful spirit causes me great pain and dismay when the black-eyed angel robbed me my will all I feel is grief perchance a demon in handsome disguise seduced and deceived me because he stole my valuable soul and my teeming spirit turned weak.

My soul still beats in the heat of the night

Aún te amo... The heat is kindled inside me Inflames my bossom and mind Glowing capricious and constantly The heart pumps playfully The beat strokes at will inside me, Veins and blood pump excitedly What is life and world without love? Of many burdens the most daunting Are a lover´s sorrow of unrequited love.

Disabled to live without you

If tears would not flow my eyes Everyday I would perish in deluge When I know your affection I can´t share My soul doesn´t want my body to dwell It flies south like a bird a mild Climate to find for the draught That inside me it suffer painfully My lips without your breath´s fragrance Can´t move and my mouth is fed with pain My eyes without beauty to see are blind My heart is paralysed since that night My mind loaded of remorse for ever remain L

Let me come into you

Let me see you again To praise your forehead gaze Let me listen to you again To hear your rhymed and tuned words Let me touch you again To kiss your rosy lips and cheeks Let me stare at you again To the pure green emerald in your eyes admire Let me gaze you again To worship your flushing body and mind Let me behold you again And your beauty of ancient Moor Godly and blooming prince admire Let me speak to you again To enlighten my sunburnt brain Let me come into you again To praise your talents to mankind.

A Lover´s Bewail

I beseech you to get out of myself Because you can´t get out of my mind I´m dying and yet my life is aloof Because it´s useless living without you The fire in which I´m burnt I can´t find How to wipe out, my heart is broken With the stone of your icy heart I´m in despair for being so passionate Can you not be my lord in me? Since you entered into my life Without leaving a single minute My grief and tears the stones soften Hares and birds halt to listen my moan In Hispania forest and valleys are of grief A jail the peninsula in which I dwell The dried trees bend to share my pain And my sad weep the arid soil  smoothes Because I will never see my dearest sun That sparkled from his eyes rays Of light upon my gloomy and dim life. Where did you turn your fair beauty to behold? Whom your pretty pale blue eyes gaze now? Whose ears enjoy to listen your sweet voice? When will I free my poor captive soul? Why  my grief  swells perversely till I die drown?...

Sonnet: Deus Est Machina

At dusk  we were merry and ready to go out and seek The city slippery scent at night, when high spirited We rushed soon into the streets and venues in sleek Attire we made haste as joy was forecasted In our jolly quest, the craving to enjoy was hard And steer our steps through the city to drink Till we went bold and mingled our bodies without regard At discos in a dance spree we chatted and our link Was stronger amid the joyful hours that  passed When I witnessed Apollo´s godly beauty by modern mint I was puzzled to behold such a Greek ancient god revived He approached and grasped my hand daring in his dint I was surpassed by such dire and marvelous event The  vulgar crowd I left and trod into bliss transcendent.

Il campagnolo offeso

Oggi voglio raccontare una storia per risaltare l'importanza che hanno i contadini nella società, nonostante la loro modesta posizione. Un contadino era stato vittima di un marchese, il re conosceva l'insulto e cominciò a riparare il reato, che ha una lezione seria al nobile, lo invitò a cena al palazzo. Tuttavia il re non lo accompagnava sul tavolo per servire le migliori prelibatezze. Con tanto saporita e splendida mangiata mancò solo una cosa in tanto abbondante cena: il pane. L'aristocratico che voleva fortemente, ma per educazione e rispetto per il re non osavano chiedere. Per dessert è stato presentato il re e chiese al suo ospite: io vi ho servito bene? Al che il nobile ha risposto che il cibo era eccellente, ma onestamente gli manca il pane in modo che fosse completamente soddisfatto. Al che il re rispose che il pane era essenziale per il cibo al pasto dei re, e lui ha risposto in senso affermativo e l'entusiasmo nobile. Allora il re rimproverato lui che a...

Elogio al campagnolo

L'obiettivo iniziale di questo blog è stato quello di rendere un omaggio sincero e profondo ai miei scrittori, filosofi e altri illustri personaggi favoriti. Tuttavia, non posso ignorare un tipo di persona o collettivo che ammiro e ai cui tutti i miei antenati appertenero dunque con cui´l mio apprezzamento è naturale e costretto per me già che il mio essere e la mia vita è stata forgiati grazie ad un agricoltore, che non solo era buono e aveva tutte le temperanza, di moderazione e buon senso e cuore delle antique campagnolo a Roma. I contadini hanno sopportato per secoli abusi,disprezzo e umiliazione dal resto della società,recentemente gli abusi proviene da parte di´intermediari che senza scrupoli né morale sfruttano e male pagano agli agricoltori che loro forniscono le materie prime coi quali essere ottenuto vendano al consumatore sui prodotti a prezzi fino venti volte maggiori a quello comprati dell'agricoltore. Questo diventa a milioni di contadini a la rovina e disperaz...