A Pair of Blue Eyes

Just and fair is to remind anyone of humble demeanor
Understate modesty in a man is an injustice and big fault
A man different from the rest in his sacrifice and generosity.
No one in his time strove so much alone, selfless and tender.

Family, God, homeland his most precios treasures
Rejecting pride of his birth state,he took a burden 
Above all was his generosity and respect for all living beings
Noble and modest soul reflected in his pristine clear blue gaze.
Crystal heavenly eyes, a mirror of his lofty, good and pure soul
In a pair of sky-blue iris of the most handsome, fine-looking face
Seldom sad or angry but content and calm, peace-loving, serene
Critical with arrogance, impiety, disrespect, elitist and mean acts
Outcries and reprimands earnestly he replied bravely to a misdeed

Refrain of liberty and rights to humankind, he was meek and silent
Evenly he treated everyone despite wealth, riches, poverty or class
Valuable only to his eyes the worthy self of man, woman or child.
Unable to kill during the Spanish Civil War, he fought as a soldier
Exerted his skills and strength to build the country in the wreckage
Land wasted after weapons in a war that hatred and envy stirred up
Turned the tall, slender, blonde, pale and portly man to Sevillian fields
And his azure eyes never gazed the Cantabrian sea where they came.
