Sed fugit intere; Fugit irreparibile tempus -Virgil
I want to be a fugitive and for
ever elude
of time its pungent sequels and
that brand for life as only one
and brief.
I fancied myself in everlasting
joyous prime
Though my hank had passed beyond its half.
All trivialities, sports and sprees
When is approaching the hoary and acrid
will smother my blossoming and bonny
I dare not greet such mankind´s
fiend but deride
Her insofar my earthly flame wants
to devoure
All countries, landscapes, modes
and lifestyles,
And crazily to live a thousand
lives in mine.
Such are my irrational and wishes
Till my restless spirit may not forge
me ahead.
In a frenzy seeking feckless and
limitless pleasure;
Wandering by cities my yearning not
Neither fulfilled nor strained yet
Of such looney madly daring quest I
must find.
If soon my adventuresome and
boisterous mind
might not a wrecked and knackered
body match.
Taking heed how callously the foul
hatchet of time
Foils my plans, farewell pleasures
and trifles in vain.
I must defuse all vogues, swanky
and stylish crazes;
May I blunder farcically amid a
throng of strangers
´Cause I can´t deceive my comrades
in the counterfeit.
Only the newest bozos and bumpkins
are easily bolted
My bountiful deeds are ditched &
my craves condoned.
Fumbling goals and my rapturous
exultations deferred,
All delights delayed, all my
surfeits are to be doomed;
Insofar me as humans are in thrall
to our fateful event
All props, dreams &vanities that flit me are
To affright me, the wallowing
unbridled race is halted.
It is untimely to gamble wandering
when all is withered;
I should borne along in poise while
the tide is attuned.
My wavering balance & trepidation
to end are doomed,
The golden gates are very far and I
cannot be entangled
In the skein of life twice, my
mortal ebb would be waned
Useless like the Moon´s daily toils
the tides unpurposed
My fluttering heart and cocky
demeanor may be trimmed
My mirth and blooming to a catastrophe
due to be hastened.
The forward decay are only shadows
of death later appeared
By my infatuations and overzealous
lusts my life isn´t saved.
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