
Showing posts from April, 2013

Sed fugit intere; Fugit irreparibile tempus -Virgil

I want to be a fugitive and for ever elude of time its pungent sequels and threads that brand for life as only one and  brief. I fancied myself in everlasting joyous prime Though my hank  had passed beyond its half. All trivialities, sports and sprees interrupted When is approaching the hoary and acrid age will smother my blossoming and bonny flesh. I dare not greet such mankind´s fiend but deride Her insofar my earthly flame wants to devoure All countries, landscapes, modes and lifestyles, And crazily to live a thousand lives in mine. Such are my irrational and wishes nonsensical Till my restless spirit may not forge me ahead. In a frenzy seeking feckless and limitless pleasure; Wandering by cities my yearning not quenched, Neither fulfilled nor strained yet contentment Of such looney madly daring quest I must find. If soon my adventuresome and boisterous mind might not a wrecked and knackered body match. Taking heed how call...

To Lilith, my adored nocturnal seductress

My slumber grew deep and damp When you visited me like a vamp, I desired to kiss your lips and thighs Caress your blonde and curly mane I crave to lick your nipples and pubis Mons savoury and saline as the sea Cradled the beautiful goddess Venus. I wish to make you mine but you hide Behind my dreams and secretly stay Awake when I conjure you again. You hide yourself in my inner self; Are you the woman that I long for Or are you to Beelzebub betrothed? You are as fair and pale as a moonshine, Ravishing in your beauty you disdain My appeal to remain with me awake. I lust for your feminine and blooming Figure, you cast a spell in me rumbling My lecherous mind, you are a temptress, That lures me into pleasure and distress When I found out that all was in vain. Are you real or a ghost in my thoughts? I am bawdy at your lustful swaying hips, You are seducing me and I fell back deep In your swaggering dance you enthrall me Into a hot, dark...