Introducing myself
Welcome to my particular virtual diary in which I intend to make public my most intimate feelings, thoughts and opinions. This may seem like a sentimental journey brought by a Spaniard, though self-named world citizen, as many people proclaim themselves today. My origin dates back in more than twenty years ago in a sunny hamlet not near neither far from the capital of Andalusia, Seville whereas the clammy and dank moisturizer river Betis has never wet or bewitched this dried and sharp land and people. The reasons for the chosen name for this blog have been varied; due that this is intended to express my feelings, emotions and ideas mainly in French and English in a sentimental and romantic rapprochement and in the meantime to pay homage to my admired Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, my idol when I was an adolescent besides all my Romantic writers, playwrights and poets. Now I have fulfilled my promise to introduce myself I will switch into another theme into another post. Than...